Christchurch Women’s Hospital future-proofs with Rauland NZ

Christchurch Women’s Hospital in New Zealand has chosen to implement the Rauland NZ, Responder 5 Clinical Workflow and Nurse Call solution as part of Canterbury District Health Board’s commitment to future-proofing its nurse call infrastructure.

Christchurch Women’s Hospital provides maternity, gynaecological, obstetric and neonatal services to
the Canterbury community.

The Responder 5 Clinical Workflow and Nurse Call solution is an integrated communications system featuring automated clinical workflows that deliver improved response times. Innovative audio capabilities available from the patient’s bedside and the bathroom, support patient safety and infection control.

According to Danella Gabsa, Project Manager, Canterbury District Health Board (Canterbury DHB) the vision was to select a partner that could offer a modern enterprise solution to meet Christchurch Women’s requirements today and into the future.

“The Responder 5 solution enables nursing unit managers to make use of its reporting and analytics capabilities to make more informed decisions that optimise the patient care experience.

Having a standardised solution available to DHB clinicians who work on the campus sites will significantly reduce risk and improve our efficiency,” said Danella.

Danella believes the new system has improved workflows, and staff feedback has been positive.

“The Responder 5 Nurse Call system allows patients to let their nurse know what they need by simply pressing the water, toilet or pain buttons on their nurse call handset. This means that nurses can quickly prioritise and respond to patient requests, saving time and ensuring patients with more urgent needs are seen first.”

Christchurch Women’s has also implemented fully integrated annunciator display screens to provide staff with a clear and accurate view of patient alerts, including the alert location and type, plus a count-down timer, so that staff can prioritise care.

“The feedback from our staff has been really positive. They know they can rely on the time displayed on the screens as being 100% accurate all of the time because everything is synchronised,” said Danella.

The team at Christchurch Women’s worked closely with the Rauland NZ team to build strong working relationships.  Danella believes this, together with an excellent level of communication throughout the project, were significant contributors to its overall success.

“The entire project was really smooth and straightforward. We received an excellent level of support from Rauland. Kerry Varcoe and Paul De Kock were our main contacts during the project – and they were always available when needed.”

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