Project Title:

Metro North, Brighton Health Campus, QLD

Acute Care
October 2021 – 2022
Number of Beds:

Solutions Deployed: Responder Nurse Call and Clinical Workflow Systems and Pinpoint Realtime Location Services


Brighton Health Campus was established in 1946 as a benevolent home and has evolved over the years to provide a healthcare hub aligned with the changing health needs of the community. The Brighton Health Campus provides sub-acute rehabilitation and interim care, complex brain injury care and specialised residential aged care services through the Dolphin House, Brighton Brain Injury Service and Gannet House facilities.

Brighton Health Campus has chosen to deploy Rauland’s Concentric Care Pinpoint Real Time Location Services (RTLS) solution to improve the personal safety of staff and clients. Featuring innovative Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, Pinpoint provides sophisticated location intelligence to support mobile nurse call for Campus clients and safety functionality for the care team.

Work has commenced on the Brighton Health Campus project with stakeholder engagement delivering a high level of anticipation for the improved functionality to be available in 2022.

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